Affordable Web Design Ltd offers effective custom sites to help our clients generate more business!


Self-Managing Your Site

Wordpress has become one of the most popular "Content Management Systems" over the past several years. The idea behind a CMS is that it allows the non-technical person to create a website without knowing any code. However, this sounds a lot easier than it actually is. You need to have a fair bit of computer knowledge before you can be comfortable with creating your own website using a content management system such as Wordpress.

Which route is best?

Unless you have an online store where you can go in and manage your products, you need to analyze your purpose for having a website before you decide which kind of design you need.

If you don't have a store and you don't plan on making a lot of changes, it is actually best to avoid using Wordpress. If you currently have a Wordpress site and are having issues, we are happy to help.

However, sometimes going the Wordpress route is the best solution for your web needs. We can then use a Wordpress premade template to create your business site. Setting up a Wordpress site is fairly complex, but once it's done, many people are able to look after their content changes themselves.

Working with Wordpress

Wordpress does have drawbacks, and it is a fairly complex system to work with for many. However, as long as you have a fair amount of computer knowledge, specially the ability to work with images and content, you should be able to fairly easily make changes to your images and contents within the theme we have set up for you. It is also important to know how to constantly update plugins and such in order to overcome any security vulnerabilities that are often found on Wordpress sites. If you have any difficulties, our team of developers will give you a hand!

Pros & Cons

When is it best to use Wordpress?

There are certain times when a CMS such as Wordpress is highly recommended:

  • When you need to make a lot of constant changes to your business website on a regular basis.
  • You are comnfortable working with images, such as cropping them, sizing and optimizing them to be used in your website.
  • You are confident that you can follow the overall layout of the design, keeping your image sizes consistent throughout the site, keeping the font consistent throughout the site, keeping your Wordpress "plugins" updated, etc.

When is it best NOT to use Wordpress?

There are certain times when it is best to avoid using a CMS:

  • When you don't want to do any updating yourself. If you just want your web developer to do your changes to your informative website, then choosing a custom designed website is most likely best for you.
  • If you don't need to make a lot of constant changes on a regular basis, a custom website is faster to work with when it comes to doing updates, and easier to ensure proper Search Engine Optimization and easier to add colourful sections to attract your potential clients.
  • When you are not comfortable working with images.
  • When just don't feel that you can follow the overall layout of the design, keeping your image sizes consistent throughout the site, keeping the font consistent throughout the site, keeping your Wordpress "plugins" updated, etc.
  • When your requirements are best served by something completely customized to your own needs.

We will create Wordpress sites when requested.